1. Lucian URF Build 14.5 - Runes & Items - LoL - METAsrc
Lucian is ranked S Tier and has a 53.26% win rate in LoL URF Patch 14.5. We've analyzed 187385 Lucian games to compile our statistical Lucian URF Build ...
Lucian URF Build. Find the best runes, items, skill order, counters, and more in our statistical Lucian URF Build for LoL Patch 14.5. Updated Daily.
2. Lucian URF Build, Runes, Items, Skills (Patch 14.05) - OP.GG - League of ...
Learn about Lucian's URF build, runes, items, and skills in Patch 14.05 and improve your win rate! Win rate. 51.22%. Pick rate. 11.08%.
Find Lucian URF tips here. Learn about Lucian’s URF build, runes, items, and skills in Patch 14.05 and improve your win rate!
3. Lucian URF Build - U.GG Lucian Runes + Item Guide for URF
Lucian URF Build - Find the best Lucian Runes and Items for URF. U.GG analyzes millions of URF matches to give you the best Lucian URF guide. Patch 14.17.
Lucian URF Build - Find the best Lucian Runes and Items for URF. U.GG analyzes millions of URF matches to give you the best Lucian URF guide. Patch 14.17
4. Lucian URF Build, Runen, Items, Vaardigheden (Patch 14.05) - OP.GG
Vind hier Lucian URF tips. Leer over Lucian's URF build, runes, items en vaardigheden in Patch 14.05 en verbeter je win rate! Winstpercentage. 51.22%.
See AlsoJazz Total Detox Reviews 2022Vind hier Lucian URF tips. Leer over de URF build, runen, items en vaardigheden van Lucian in Patch 14.05 en verbeter je win rate!
5. LoL Lucian URF Build 14.5 | Best Item Builds, and Runes - RankedBoost
LoL Lucian URF Item Builds, and Best Runes. Patch 14.5 URF Lucian is ranked as A Tier champion with a 51.65% Win Rate (Above Average) and 1.15% Pick Rate (Low).
LoL URF Lucian Build for Ultra Rapid Fire. Best Item Builds, and Runes for Lucian in patch 14.5.
6. Lucian URF Build 14.3 - Runes & Items - LoL - METAsrc
Lucian is ranked S+ Tier and has a 55.24% win rate in LoL URF Patch 14.3. We've analyzed 793807 Lucian games to compile our statistical Lucian URF Build Guide.
Lucian URF Build. Find the best runes, items, skill order, counters, and more in our statistical Lucian URF Build for LoL Patch 14.3. Updated Daily.
7. AP Lucian URF Build & Runes - U GG
U.GG AP Lucian URF shows best AP Lucian runes by WR and popularity. Get AP Lucian skill order and items, plus other URF builds, for LoL Patch 14.14.
8. URF Lucian - Build Guides, Items, Runes :: URF, ARAM, LoL Stats
Lucian, a Sentinel of Light, is a grim hunter of undying spirits, pursuing them relentlessly and annihilating them with his twin relic pistols. After the wraith ...
Get the Lucian builds with the highest winrate runes and items! PORO.GG analyzes matches to provide champion stats.